Human Rights
Policy and Basic Approach
The concept of respect holds a significant place within the Kansai Paint Group, as underscored in our Corporate Philosophy. Our Behavioral Drivers also clearly state, “We will respect the fundamental human rights of the people we come into contact with in all situations” and “We will not discriminate on the basis of race, nationality, creed, religion, color, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, social status, place of birth, disease, disability, or other characteristic.” Aligned with this, we have established a new Human Rights Policy for the Group to foster an environment where individuals can engage in mutual learning with respect and humility, allowing every employee to lead a gratifying life while embracing their authentic selves.
As well as sharing and communicating this newly formulated Human Rights Policy throughout the Group, going forward we will promote human rights initiatives, such as human rights due diligence and corresponding frameworks (human rights remediation mechanism) in accordance with the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP) adopted by the United Nations in 2011. We aim to increase our corporate value by contributing to the development of a sustainable society based on this policy.
Kansai Paint Group Human Rights Policy
It is the mission statement of Kansai Paint Group* (hereafter "Kansai Paint Group" or "we") that “We leverage superior technology to contribute to our Customers and Society, in a sustainable manner, with innovative Products and Services, through a competent workforce, built on a culture of Customer Focus, Integrity and Respect for our Stakeholders”.
The Kansai Paint Group upholds “respect” as one of its important core values, and aims to coexist with all local communities around the world by respecting diverse cultures and individuals. To accomplish this, we recognize that it is essential to respect the human rights of all stakeholders, comply with applicable laws and regulations in each country and region where we conduct our corporate and business activities, and fully understand that corporate and business activities impact the people in the local communities.
* Kansai Paint Group refers to Kansai Paint Co., Ltd. and its consolidated subsidiaries.
Compliance with applicable laws and regulations
We address human rights issues by learning from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which declares the international goals and standards for the protection of human rights; the International Bill of Human Rights, which states the basic human rights that all peoples of the world are entitled to enjoy; and the International Labour Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, which expresses fundamental rights at work.
Our human rights policy declared herein (this “policy”), guided by the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, affirms that we respect internationally recognized human rights and ensures our compliance with our international human rights obligations as well as the laws and regulations of the countries where we conduct business. This policy represents the highest level policy related to human rights within Kansai Paint Group’s corporate, activities and everyone employed by Kansai Paint Group is required to adhere to it.
We are committed to fulfilling our responsibility to respect the basic human rights of people we come into contact in all aspects of our corporate and business activities.
Scope of this policy This policy
Applies to all executives and other officers and employees of Kansai Paint Group (including part-time workers, contract workers, and temporary employees). Kansai Paint Group also encourages its business partners, including suppliers, to understand this policy, and work with us to promote respect for human rights.
Human rights due diligence
We strive to identify, prevent and mitigate adverse human rights impacts by establishing and continuously implementing a human rights due diligence system. In addition, in order to effectively deal with adverse impacts on human rights, we continuously verify the methods and effects of implementing our human rights due diligence.
Where we identify that we have caused, contributed to, or been directly linked to adverse human rights impacts, we [strive to] work to rectify those impacts through legitimate processes and continue to develop effective remediation mechanisms.
To ensure that this policy permeates through our internal organization and external stakeholders and is established in our corporate and business activities, we reflect this policy in related policies, guidelines, and materials, and to the extent necessary, through other suitable procedures. At the same time, to ensure that this policy is understood and implemented effectively, we provide appropriate education to all executives and other officers and employees and strive to instill this policy among our business partners, including suppliers.
Information disclosure
We aim to continuously monitor, review and update this policy periodically to reflect any changes in our internal policies and approaches. We track, in a timely manner, our efforts and progress to disseminate our human rights policy and disclose them appropriately through the Kansai Paint Group website or other means. We also regularly report on our actions in respecting human rights and the status of our human rights due diligence.
Dialogue and consultation
We consult with relevant stakeholders on our responses to potential and actual impacts on human rights and strive to respond appropriately to human rights issues related to our business activities. This policy was approved by the Board of Directors of Kansai Paint Co., Ltd. on July 27, 2023.
July 27, 2023
Kansai Paint Co., Ltd.
Representative Director of the Board, President MORI Kunishi
Structure & System
The Kansai Paint Group has established the Sustainability Promotion Committee under the Corporate Governance Committee to oversee the improvement of corporate value from a non-financial perspective and make prompt decisions. The Sustainability Development Department, a standing organization, revises plans, while the Sustainability Promotion Department collaborates with other departments to execute inventive yet feasible measures. They work together with business units to improve corporate value over the long term.
Additionally, we have established a Compliance Promotion Committee, whose membership includes the heads of our six business units (chaired by the Chief of Corporate Management and Administration Unit). Our compliance initiatives include enhancement of compliance-related knowledge and education and establishing a thorough awareness of compliance, including elimination of harassment and discrimination.
- Activities to promote human rights awareness
We carry out internal activities to raise employees' awareness of human rights by providing opportunities to bring issues to their attention through various case studies at training sessions for new employees and managers, as well as through our internal portal site.
We respect the UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights. During Human Rights Week, which runs from December 4 to 10 every year as set out in the declaration, we solicit human rights slogans from within the company, for which we receive about 1,000 submissions every year.
We select and award the best entries from among these, and display them within the company.
- Approaches to human rights issues from a corporate perspective
As a member of the Corporate Federation for Dowa and Human Rights Issue, Osaka; the Industrial Federation for Human Rights, Tokyo; and the Osaka City Businessman Right Promotion Conference,* we are actively participating in the projects of each of these organizations and in training sessions held by the government.
- Respect for basic labor rights
We recognize the right of labor union members to organize, bargain collectively and take other collective actions, and strive to resolve various issues by promoting dialogue between labor and management.